
A.2 - The Support Scope

The Support Scope governs all routine aspects of ecosystem support, including governance process infrastructure and management, Star support and Ecosystem Actor support.
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This Article governs the Resilience Fund and defines infrastructure and processes to support legal risk management and legal governance.
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This Section manages the Resilience Fund (also “RF”) and other infrastructure for legal risk management and legal governance.
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This document defines the resources available for legal defense. Over time, it can include both Sky Governance-controlled assets and external third-party resources and may be used to cover additional risks.
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The Resilience Fund (RF) is a self-insurance instrument fully controlled by Sky Governance, which will cover legal defense expenses in case of legal or regulatory action against Sky or active participants in the Sky Ecosystem. The RF will be the primary source for direct legal defense funding. The conditions of use are defined in .
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Overview of the related processes and principles:• Application process• Claim management process• Caps and Exclusions• Refund of amounts to the Resilience Fund
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Overview of the claim management processes:• Legal Counsel Pre-approval• Claim approval / Advance Payment• Reimbursement
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The first step in the claim management process is to approve the Legal Counsel to undertake legal defense or representation and the quote presented to commence legal work. The Beneficiary must present the quote from the law firm they selected for their legal defense/representation. The request must indicate at least the following:• Name of Legal Counsel• Name of Law Firm• If not in the Lawyer Registry, Proof of Eligibility• QuoteThe quote must include:1. The initial payment required by Counsel to commence work immediately. This is the initial amount to be claimed against the Resilience Fund.2. A global estimated fee based on an hourly rate OR fixed fee OR monthly retainer fee.
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If Legal Counsel is NOT RF-qualified in the Lawyer Registry (), then the Support Facilitators, or alternatively the Resilience Fund Technical Committee Member, will verify if the Legal Counsel complies with requisites in Lawyer Registry Acceptance Criteria and LR Resilience Fund Acceptance Criteria. See: and .If the Legal Counsel of the quote is determined by the Resilience Technical Committee to comply with the requirements of this Artifact, the quote is pre-approved and the legal counsel is added to the LR.If the Legal Counsel doesn’t comply with the LR requirements, the claim is rejected and the Beneficiary must propose a different Legal Counsel.